Monday, 23 April 2012

How to use OMET?

It is easy to study on OMET. Providing you the links of dedicated threads on OMET where you can study concepts, solve questions and discuss them separately, topic wise with nothing missed. Everything which is posted on the group related to that topic will be available on these threads.
Topic, Type of the thread (Concept, Questions/Problems/Discussion related to that topic)
On Concept Threads - Please post concepts on them, no spamming, no querie etc
Question/Problems Thread - This is just a question bank, dedicated and made for practice stuff
Discussion Thread- Discuss all your queries, questions (on problem threads etc) with their serial no., and all other related discussion.

  1. Number System
  • Official Thread Number System Problems
Thread Code - 1B

  • Official Thread - Number System Concepts
Thread Code 1B

  • Official Thread Number System Problem & Concept Discussion
Thread Code - 1C

  2. Geometry
Thread Code 2A

3. Time Speed Distance

  • Official Thread Time Speed Distance- Concepts
Thread Code - 3A

  • Official Thread Time Speed Distance- Practice Problems Repository
Thread Code - 3B

  • Official Thread Time Speed Distance- Problems & Concept Discussion
Thread Code - 3C

4. Modern Maths
  • Official Thread Modern Maths- Concepts
Thread Code - 4A
(Topics : Functions, Graphs, Set Theory etc)

  • Official Thread Modern Maths- Practice Problems Repository
Thread Code - 4B
(Topics : Functions, Graphs, Set Theory etc)

  • Official Thread Modern Maths- Problems & Concept Discussion
Thread Code - 4C
(Topics : Functions, Graphs, Set Theory etc)

5. Permutation, Combination & Probability

  • Official Thread Permutation, Combination & Probability- Concepts
Thread Code - 5A 

  • Official Thread Permutation, Combination & Probability- Practice Problems Repository
Thread Code - 5B

  • Official Thread Permutation, Combination & Probability- Problems & Concept Discussion
Thread Code - 5C

6. Reading Comprehensions
  • Official Thread Reading Comprehension- Concepts
Thread Code - 6A

  • Official Thread Reading Comprehension- RC Repository
Thread Code - 6B

  • Official Thread Reading Comprehension- Discussion
Thread Code - 6C

7. Parajumbles

  • Official Thread Parajumbles-Concepts 
Thread Code - 7A

  • Official Thread Parajumbles-PJ Repository
Thread Code - 7B

  • Official Thread Parajumbles - Discussion
Thread Code - 7C

8. Paracompletion
  • Official Thread - Para Completion - Concepts
Thread Code - 8A

9. Algebra
  • Official Thread - Algebra - Concepts

12. Official Mocks Discussion

  • Official Thread - Discuss TIME Mocks
Thread Code 12A

  • Official Thread - Discuss CL Mocks
Thread Code 12B

  • Official Thread - Discuss IMS Mocks
Thread Code 12C

  • Official Thread - Discuss Test Funda Mocks
Thread Code 12D

  • Official Thread - Mock Score Repository
Thread Code 12E

13- Live Sessions -

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Wiki-Veer seeking to become MICA-Veer!! \m/

It started at the Hyderabad airport, I was searching for guys/chicks looking like MICAspirants. I remember some of the Hyderabadi's discussing 4th April. In my search for them, I got hungry and started searching for food instead, found KFC and incidentally (Yeah Right!) found @Ravi Teja with some guesswork ( Chicken Popcorn, Headphones and Alone). So we got started discussing things about MICA and soon we were at Ahmedabad, parted ways. I was lucky to have the hospitality of a friend and one of my relatives, night. Dreams of Success and Nightmares of failure made it difficult to sleep, but eventually I won over them. 

8:30 a.m MICA Ahmedabad. Realized I forgot my CAT scorecard, but wasn't much of an issue, thanks to Luv Thakur Sir. I was hungry, was thinking of ideas to sneak out for a bite when we were cut into groups for the GE.

GE: We were a Team of 6. 5 Engineer Boys and 1 BBA/BBM Girl. 2 of them Assertive, 2 Obedient and 2 Creative! We were asked to make a Bicycle Model for Middle Aged Women. We went on to conceptualize a Hybrid model with a bunch of features, it was called Heroine's Featherlite :D . I used some of my long-useless Engineering Drawing skills finally, it was satisfying... the experience.. but for being pegged back by your own team mates when asked to Summarize. 

Then we walked into the famous and boy o boy! didn't we like the place, some of them fell in love with it so much that had to have a nap before being called for the PI. Slotted 13 in Panel- 4, after a painfully boring 5 hours, meeting Sneha I walked into my the panel, smiling.

Technical Sir, Nice Mam, Really Nice Mam!

TS: So what does Mechatronics mean? I'm meeting a student from this background for the first time.

Me: Explained History, Definition and Blah Blah

TS: Explain the working of a Solenoid then.

Me: Sir, it slips my mind as it's been 3 years since I read about them and I've been doing a lot of other work (hoping for a diversion)

NM: Stop turning on that chair. Doesn't that noise irritate you?

Me: Apologies ma'am. I thought the noise was external :/

RNM: So you say you're a poet photographer and a musician here. Can you recite one of your works?

Me: I'm not a memory guy but if you want I could write one now, on anything that you ask.

RNM: What would you write on? *gives paper and pen*

Me: My experience so Far in MICA? *nods*

I walked in here, with confidence and apprehension,A sense of belonging, a few deja-vu clues,

*tell sir that I lost my footwear outside the audi*

Meanwhile, footwear lost, laughter and Tension,Didn't I'd be in here as me, but in someone else's shoes.

*Panel Laughs*

NM: Are you comfortable in these shoes?

Me: Yes mam, As long as I don't get caught. 

*More laughs, a few jokes, about how important it is to not get caught when you steal*

TS: So what do you think about Mom's making career decisions during inter and school days?

Me: They always look for the what's best for their children..blah blah... but they tend to fall prey for popular on. *convinced*

TS: What is Global Warming?

Me: An ecological phenomenon, greenhouse gases.. blah blah...

*Grilled on the same* ** Substantiated**

RNM: So which specialization?

Me: I haven't zeroed in on one as I have parts that I like in each of the specialization that MICA has to offer and I believe I would have the time to make an informed choice, but if I had to pick one now. I'd say account managing/ planning as it has a higher % of creative aspect involved; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px; white-space: pre-wrap;">
Panel : Sure. 

*See them, Discuss, Exchange expressions*

RNM: This picture really tells a story.. doesn't it?

Me: Yes. Mam. It's called The Fallen Flower and I based it on poem that I wrote which talks about the feelings of a flower if it were the last one.

Me: If you like it, you can keep in mam. Because they are postcards and it would be my pleasure to give them out to you. I feel it's a lovely but a dying tradition and wish to keep it alive.

TS: So how would you keep the traition alive?

Me: Sir, if you could tell your students how an aspirant had made a postcard of his picture and given it to you during an interview there's a good chance the tradition goes viral again.

REALLY NICE MAM!!: Since you've shown me work that I wouldn't have seen with my own eyes. Can you sign this for me please?

Love and Hope,Raghuveer Nishtala

RESULT : Listed for Consideration.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Tushar Sharma's XL Expereince

XLRI HRM interview-> (Very very bad :x)

GD-State of Indian agriculture - Why and How to improve?

(Dre were guys with 7 years of work-ex and maaried + guys wid 3 time XL reects, came to know it after GD so least bothered of them while GD)

-> Started d GD, actually jst read agriculture editorial yesterday and dat was too out of the box .. Was filled wid points dat even 1 hr was not enuf for dem..
Started wid we have 17% of world's population and we produce 17% of total food production, still one-third of our population do not get 2 meals a day..
Was knowing well abt malnourishment percentages in rural India, added to dat was knowing well abt world bank report on how 60% of food by PDS was not reaching d right person..
Brought very good points how Green revolution has curbed our Indian agriculture in long term.. dre is too much dependence on rice and wheat , while Millets of which we are the largest producer in world
and it used to be a major sorce of ovr energy in 1970's, its use is only done for animal fodder now...

unexpectedly my too much knowlegde advantage turned out against me..My urge to present the whole world of agriculture in dose 20 mins made me dominate the GD, which I was later informed by my peers... Dose last year XL rejects even 
pointed u shd not do as such in XL HRM GD.. I was filled wid guilt, was feeling like as if to leave PI and go home.. Badh main jaye XL ab.. Still maintained my compusure !!

I was knowing it dey won't be much interested in me.. So was not in a mood to give better interview..
L- So tushar u are d first guy I met who did Xth at the age of 14.. Was dre parental pressure ?
Me- (kya observation hai yaar :O .. ab ya batana thori fudging hai, 1 saal badha di gyi hai birth date wld be wrong) No No sir, dre was no parental pressure.. I joined school early and my parents were quite supportive in dat.
L- So why u dropped after 12th ? I mean girlfriend or jee or oder family issues ?
Me- No sir, not a girlfriend case..Actually Sir i dropped coz I thought I deserved a second chance to try my hand in national exams.
L- So wat are u doing after graduation ?
Me- Sir few family issues.. And also I got placed in Birlasoft , bt my joining was deffered from Nov, 2011 to April, 2012.. And I was pretty clear of doing an MBA so I prepared for it in the mean time . .unfortunately I cldn't prove myself last time..

L- So u got shortlisted for IIM kashipur ?
Me- No sir I was not shortlisted..
L- So how is IIM kashipur ?
Me- Sir although a 200 acre campus is being alloted to it bt currently the classes are being held in a sugar factory.. And also accomodation of students is quite far from classes so
dey are facing a problem in commuting.. Although It wld develop as a good MBA colg in near future bt currently it is facing problems.
L- So dont u think u will face problems if u come to XLRI ?
Me-(wtf, y wld I :O) No sir relocation is not a big deal .. I can adapt to new places well and modify my requirements as per the availabilities ...

L- So tushar, wat is your favourite color ?
Me- Sir as I hail from uttranchal which is a lush green place wid lot of forests, So I love Green color..\

M- ok so if you have to chose director of IIM kashipur from among us , how wld u chose ?
Me- :numb:
M- take ur time and take a notepad and write points ..
Me(wrote for 2 mins bt any new point was not striking)
M- yeah so lets start
Me- Sir firstly I wld see the academic eligibility to fit into the role..Dan the past roles u held and how dey were performed.. Dan I wld also take into account the faculty feedback of the college u worked wid..
(I needed a innovative point desperately :x) 
Me- (for adding some innovation, did pagalpanti :x) Sir Dan I wld also give preference to a guy who is more acquainted wid d local area and have more knowledge abt its problems
R- oh so how wld u chose me dan ?
L- He is from ANDAMAN..
Me- (wtf :O) .. Sir obviously academics and past roles wld play a bigger role bt wat I mean is if dre are two guys at par, I wld choose d one more acquainted wid d region.(sigh)
R- (convinced)
R- wat are the fundamental duties ?
Me- Sir dre are 11 fundamental duties of which I remember like to abide by constitution, to achieve excellence in watever we do, to respect culture and regions and Arr..
R- So dese are the ones which u remember ?
Me- yes sir I remember only dese as of now..
R- tell me can police catch me if I do not follow dese ?
Me- No sir dese are jst directions to the people of this country and u can not be made accoutable for them. Dre are oder laws like criminal laws,civil laws etc. which cld be used to prosecute.
R- ok tell me before people use to smoke in trains , dan it was banned and now people are not allowed to even eat and drink in public places in metro.. Is it not infringemrnt of ovr rights ?
Me- Sir I as an individual believes dis world is a higly irrational place with no logics attached to it... Dre have to been some rules and directions given to people which serve the whole society.. Like in metro I myself saw today a man eating dre in morning, bt dats a public property and damaging dat or creating unnecessary disturbances
for oder people doesnt serve the society.. So dese laws are important and serve the society.

M- ok tushar design an expert system which will automatically select candidates dat fit into the role
Me-(wtf) Sir can I tell the parameters 
M- yeah tell the parameter and implement them
Me-(I was like implement in wat) i started wid keyword based approach that is also followed in us and uk .. we wld pic a keyword which describe our role and wld match wid d CV of d desired candidate.
M- implement it in Artificial Intelligence
Me-(wtf, how) Sir is it, A->★keyword★ , dis wld match the keyword wid d whole CV where ever it is sitated.
M- Else
Me- I wld take revenve per employee into account in past projects
M-implement using if - then.
Me- did bakwas ..
M- ok go !!
Me- Thanx sir ..