GD Topic : Inclusive Growth is the way forward.
Dibya: Yes Inclusive growth is the need of the day as everything is related to one or the other.If we need to improve on literacy we need to control population decrease poverty,else stand alone is of no use and it will sloe the growth wats sa frensFriend please excuse me for the typoanybdy there?
vidit: For any country to develop to its full potential, its important that it takes people from all strata on the path of development. We cannot develop one segment of the society at the cost of another
Abhishek:India is seeing a good rate in gdp growth but the the condn. of rural people is not improving as it should be.
TANVI: even our 11th five year plan i.e the current one was set up with the ojective "towards faster and more inclusive growth" whereby all segments of the society be it agriculture,manufacturing service are eing focused upon along with special emphais on women,children and people from backward classes
raj--inclusion implies an equitable allocation of resourcesspeaking of financial inclusion ,pr oper access to finance by the rural people is requisite to employment, economic growth and poverty reduction
Harshil : Inclusive growth has been a explicit goal of the Planning commisioni in 11th 5 yr plan..! it means to ensure that the benfits aand fruits of the grwth the country is witnessing reachess to d bottom of the socio -economic distribution
nikita: Inclusive growth is important so that the benefits of economic growth are shared among the common man and help in the improvement of the standard of living
sambodh; As we have seeing yhat that the love for capitalism is gradually receeding,and earlier illussionary theories of "TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT "is lying in the dust.the order of the day is to formulate policies which can address the problems of people occupying the lowest echelons of economy..
raj-- inclusion includes It includesawareness, knowledge ,access to channels, facilities provided governmnet. It involves educating people and empowering peoplesry for wrong grammar frnds *
vidit: In a country like where there is abundance of human resource talent, its important that we tap this talent for our development. Unless and until we include everybody in our growth story, this is very difficult to achieve.
TANVI:as the word inclusion means taking 1 and all forward towards betterment there have been certain instances where inclusive growth has been achieved and certain where it failed
vidit: The basic necessities like food, education, healthcare, sanitation is important to achieve inclusive growth
nikita: the concept focuses on equality in opportunitynikita :inclusiveness focuses on the pace and pattern of growth
Harshil : the Indian market is braodly divided into 3 sectors.. namely primary , tertiary and service.. all these sectors are inter-depended and growth of one sectors directly leads to growth of the other sectors..!
Dibya: Always the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer but we need to prevent this thats y we also have the quota syatem for the backward classesvidit: @ nikita very good point. equal opportunity is the key to inclusive growth
sambodh; As we have seeing yhat that the love for capitalism is gradually receeding,and earlier illussionary theories of "TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT "is lying in the dust.the order of the day is to formulate policies which can address the problems of people occupying the lowest echelons of economy..
raj-- inclusion includes It includesawareness, knowledge ,access to channels, facilities provided governmnet. It involves educating people and empowering peoplesry for wrong grammar frnds *
vidit: In a country like where there is abundance of human resource talent, its important that we tap this talent for our development. Unless and until we include everybody in our growth story, this is very difficult to achieve.vidit: India*
TANVI:as the word inclusion means taking 1 and all forward towards betterment there have been certain instances where inclusive growth has been achieved and certain where it failedvidit: The basic necessities like food, education, healthcare, sanitation is important to achieve inclusive growth
nikita: the concept focuses on equality in opportunitynikita :inclusiveness focuses on the pace and pattern of growth
Harshil : the Indian market is braodly divided into 3 sectors.. namely primary , tertiary and service.. all these sectors are inter-depended and growth of one sectors directly leads to growth of the other sectors..!
nikita:@harshil: all sectors are interdependant...making one as important as another...while v may be focused on tertiary sector for our growth but primary has equal importance
TANVI:i would like to quote 1 example that polio which is 1 of the worst epedimic in india bcause of the initiative taken by the indian government along with both public and private hospital spreading awareness about it and going door to door for giving polio drops from 720 cases in 2009 it has been brought down to just 2 cases as in 2012 all this was possible bcause of the inclusiive polio eradication innitiative of govt.
Dibya:@abhishek thats right we need to bridge the ga[ between the rich and the poor first of all then we can think of intrusive growth
raj--ther r migrating to cities because there is inefficient delivery mechanism,absebnse of reach and coverage of facilites and bsic necessities
nikita: now realising its importance, the question comes how can inclusive growth be promoted?
Abhishek:according to Tendulkar's committee, about 37.2 % of people of India are BPL and that no. in itself gives the true picture of development of India
vidit: I guess we need to identify the problem areas where we r going wrong and to how we can rectify them to achieve inclusive growth
Dibya:@nikita inclusive growth should be promoted in certain cases like the health issues as said by tanvi but i case of development rural sector needs to be developed first
Harshil : Inclusive growth can be promoted by propr policy planning and there execution which has to be monitored at the highest level..
Harshil : Inclusive growth can be promoted by propr policy planning and there execution which has to be monitored at the highest level..
raj--@nikita incluisve growth can be promoted by increasing its coverage annd reach by taking help of media and newspapers,,awareness campaigns
vidit: The basic problem areas are, bad governance, lethargic bureaucracy, lack of awareness
23:59Harshil : as its quite evident to all of us.. the various policies which govt propose seems to be lucrative on papers but ground reality differs entirely.. for ex - MGNREGA, mid day meal etc..raj--corporate sector can adopt villages and start educating them and providing them basic facilities
nikita: government seems to think that by launching numerous schemes inclusive growth can be promoted....true to some extent it has made a difference....but v still are facing major unemployment issuesToday
Abhishek:@vidit i fully agree to u. der r a quite no of developmental plans for the upliftment f the poor and the rural people but dey are not implemented properly
sambodh: as long as the people at the lowest econmic level are not made an imp. stake holder in growth of economy ,and they are not empowered socially ,inclusive growth will remain a dream.
raj---@nikita major employment issues have been there because of lack of professional training,and practical learning,generally because they dont have skills for it
Harshil : the actual targets are not able to get benefitted by the policies..! for ex- consider the case of PDS system.. acc to a survey out of 100% allocation of the grains for the poor 16% is lost during transportation, 10% is hoarded by the distributor
Dibya: Govenment introduced sarva sikshya yojna but if we find out only 48% of the students in class V can read english of class 3 so the quality matters more tha the no of schemms for rural development
nikita: v have seen the benefits of e-governance....but we lag behind in spreading awarness in rural areas...
00:03Harshil ut of left over 76% only 54% is abl to reach to the poor.. or so called BPL families.. which are also not sure.
vidit: i agree there are number of policies that have gone awry..we should delibrate on how can these be rectified
Dibya:We need to create motivation first in the rural population esle all the schemes will be of no use.
raj--@nikita awareness needs to be apprached using various means available and dependency on one means should be avoided
nikita i second viditnikita: plz explain raj
Abhishek: i think NGO have 2 play a great role for spreading awareness among the rural people
vidit: Somebody talked about the corporate getting involved..I think everybody at the individual level in his/her capacity should work towards achieving inclusive growth
TANVI: guys i feel that we are aware of the shortcomings but hardly we have touched upon what al has been achieved
raj--@nikita radio,newspapers,TV,literacy buses , schools should be set up,
00:06Harshil : The empowerment of rural people is the need of the hour..! Govt is already moving on the line of E-choupal by setting up various community centres for the awareness of the farmers but the pace is very slow..!
vidit: @tanvi - i agree, there are a number of achievements like the Integrated child development scheme
nikita:most of us now days r dependant on internet for our knowledge or news or contact...v have become comfortable with this idea...if same is seen in school children across making computers available to them it will help us in our growth
Dibya:@harshil its because of the rural populace attitude which needs to be changesd.Government has enough schemes but the population must itself understand the necessity and usage of that then only we can imrove and that all requires very talented and patient perfectly trained people to create awareness among them
harshil : the inclusive growth will be achcieved from the ground zero level by empowering the womens of the viallges whch plays a majpr role in evry society be it rural or urban..!!
00:09vidit: We also have the sabla yojna, which is showing excellent results. What we should do is learn what is working in these schemes
-----------GD OVER ---------------
-------Conclusions---------------- Dibya:Inclusive growth iimportant but the rift between the poor and the rich need to be minimised. For that we have differebt schemes but that need to monitored properly with proper awareness.The develoment of rural sector will finally lead to development of the previledged ones also.Harshil : everybdy present had the same view that inclusive growth s necessary for the development of a country.. and the inclusive grwth can be achieved by empowering the people from lowest strata of life .. catering thre problems and empowering them along wth the women.. various schemes which the govt has already formulated need to be monitered properly to check ther functioning.
Raj : Inclusion implies equal distribution of resources and opportunites for all,it is essential for our coyntry growth,we need to meet millenium development goals and inclusive a ctivites should be speeded up across cities and villages,activies include educationg people,providing facilities ,improving distribution system,finnacial lietracy,opening schools,ngos and litercay buses ,skill traing institutes.
TANVI:i definately feel that in order to prosper as a nation inclusive growth is a must and it should be focussed upon despite facing some challenges govt. and the policy makers should try to focus on one area at at a time rather then simultaneously focussing on althe targeted sectors though we have a long way to go and lot to learn small small achievements will always be a morale booster and challenges wil help in setting more realistic goals for future (summary)
vidit: We had a very fruitful discussion where most of us agreed that Inclusive growth is the path to be followed to achieve prosperity. We deliberated upon the need of inclusive growth, how we can promote it, the problems and the probable solutions to achieve inclusive growth.
nikita: in recent years india has seen a steady rise in GDP, the benefits of economic growth needs to reach the common man by providing him equal opportunity...the concept of inclusive growth discussed in the 11th 5 yr plan is a steady stepin this direction...centrally sponsored schemes like Mgnrega have helped in providing and spreading awareness will also be beneficial in this direction
Abhishek:If India really want to take +ve strides towards becoming a developed nation den it should work for development of all the sections of the society not just the privileged ones.We need to create awareness among the rural and the under privileged peolple so that they can enjoy the benefits given to them by the govt.
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