Wednesday, 28 March 2012

MBA 2012 Prep Guide

Read Newspapers like The Hindu, ET, NYT, The Guardian
Magazines like The Economist, Frontline
Research Papers/Journals (search online whatever hits you, read them)
Must Read Dads (suggesting you my favorites) like
Jared Diamond for civilization, 
Mohd Younis for Microfinance,
Steven R covey for Management/Self Help, 
Steven Pinker on Languages & Dev, 
Technology- Brief History of Time Stephen Hawkins, 
Will Durant on Philosophy,
T Friedman on Globalization.

Must Read IMS RC Passages, they are the best!
At OMET, we worked really hard for this section. For every exam we attacked differently and at last it helped many of us to take advantage out of it.
don't dare to leave this topic after CAt, I assure you it's not possible to eat 6 months food in a week. Give the topic, the respect it deserves.
Follow Pratiyogita Darpan. Take regular quiz, follow GK Funlimited religiously. (This is a new page, we will start development after XAT) 
L2- Old Papers
L3- CL + TIME Old Mocks give good insight but there is a wide gap between L2 & L3. Maximum exams ask questions of level maximum upto L 2.5.
Try practicing these sections topic wise first. It will clear the basics and logic each types of sets consist. 
While reading mark the words, make your diary and keep them revising..
But with my personal experience, may b you won't believe, that I have developed 1200+ vocab in last 3 months. This could happened through mnemonic techniques which I made and discussed in OMET. We are planning to launch the its course-ware where you can learn the words witht he help of stories, illustrations and videos.
Keep visiting the page and revise these words because without revision retention is impossible. Also, use them where ever you can. 
Level 1- TIME/Cl BRM 
Level 2- Class Handouts
Level 3 - TG Books/Notes + Previous Year Papers + Arun Sharma (but I don't think it is mandatory, if you do other material properly)
Level 4 - Posts on PG/OMET/CAT [or say Hemant Yadav Quant God's Questions]

-Ankit Dikshit


  1. Speechless.. thnx 4 finding an alternate way.. On FB it ws getting difficult to find among all BC... dis is the best of the best... :)

  2. great work dude,Level 4 is seriously true
