- 12 angry men & it's hindi version -- ek ruka hua faisla
- Inside Job
- The Zeitgeist - 1,2,3 (Documetary)
- The Great Debators
- Dead Poet's Society
- Krammer vs. Krammer
- Wall Street - Money never sleeps (Recommended-Ankit Dikshit)
- Money as debt - Part 1 and 2 (Documentary)
- The eleventh Hour
- The Money Masters (Documentary)
- Lagaan
- V for Vendetta
- Man on Wire (Documetary)
- Capitalism - A love Story (Documetary)
- Coconut Revolution (Documentary)
- The century of the Self (Documentary)
- Catch 22 (Book and movie both)
- Battle of Algiers - freedom struggle (Documentary)
- The Baader Meinhof Complex
- The Corporation (Documentary)
- Gandhi
- Thank you for Smoking
- Fiat Empire (Documentary)
- Monopoly Men (Documentary)
- Citizen Kane
- Back to School
- Boiler Room
- Smartest Guys in the Room
- Rocket Singh
- Corporate
- Saving Private Ryan
- Schindler's List
- Casablanca
- Other People's Money
- The secret of my success
- It's a wonderful life
- The Insider
- Outfoxed (Documentary)
- Occupation 101 (Documentary)
- War made easy (Documentary)
- Orwell rolls in his grave (Documentary)
- Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent (Documentary)
- 'We' by Arundhati Roy (Documentary)
- Resolved (doumentary)
- Shawshank Redemption
- Ignited Minds
- Wings of Fire
- The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
- Imagining India
- A Better India, A Better World
- Target 3 Billion,- kalam,
- india after gandhi- ramchandra guha,
- it happend in india- kishor biyan
- The great Indian Novel - shashi tharoor
- the winning way - anita and harsha bhogle
- the maverick - ricardo semler ( esp for HR )
- India Unbound - Gurcharan Das
- Elephant Paradigm - Gurcharan Das
- The difficulty of being good - Gurcharan Das
- Freedom at midnight
- The Ascent of Money (Hemant Sir's Suggestion, I think it should be must read)
- The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (Paul Krugman)
- Making Globalisation Work (Joseph Stiglitz)
- Globalisation and its discontent (Joseph Stiglitz
- The fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid
- Curfewed Night (by Bashrat Peer)
- The Kite Runner
- 1000 Splendid Sons
quite useful