Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Movies, Documentaries and Books for GD/PI

  1. 12 angry men & it's hindi version -- ek ruka hua faisla
  2. Inside Job
  3. The Zeitgeist - 1,2,3 (Documetary)
  4. The Great Debators
  5. Dead Poet's Society 
  6. Krammer vs. Krammer
  7. Wall Street - Money never sleeps (Recommended-Ankit Dikshit)
  8. Money as debt - Part 1 and 2  (Documentary)
  9. The eleventh Hour
  10. The Money Masters (Documentary)
  11. Lagaan
  12. V for Vendetta
  13. Man on Wire (Documetary)
  14. Capitalism - A love Story (Documetary)
  15. Coconut Revolution (Documentary)
  16. The century of the Self (Documentary)
  17. Catch 22 (Book and movie both)
  18. Battle of Algiers - freedom struggle (Documentary)
  19. The Baader Meinhof Complex
  20. The Corporation (Documentary)
  21. Gandhi
  22. Thank you for Smoking
  23. Fiat Empire  (Documentary)
  24. Monopoly Men (Documentary)
  25. Citizen Kane
  26. Back to School
  27. Boiler Room
  28. Smartest Guys in the Room
  29. Rocket Singh
  30. Corporate
  31. Saving Private Ryan
  32. Schindler's List
  33. Casablanca
  34. Other People's Money
  35. The secret of my success
  36. It's a wonderful life
  37. The Insider
  38. Outfoxed (Documentary)
  39. Occupation 101 (Documentary)
  40. War made easy (Documentary)
  41. Orwell rolls in his grave (Documentary)
  42. Noam Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent (Documentary)
  43. 'We' by Arundhati Roy (Documentary)
  44. Resolved (doumentary)
  45. Shawshank Redemption
  1. Ignited Minds
  2. Wings of Fire
  3. The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
  4. Imagining India
  5. A Better India, A Better World
  6.  Target 3 Billion,- kalam,
  7.  india after gandhi- ramchandra guha,
  8. it happend in india- kishor biyan
  9.  The great Indian Novel - shashi tharoor
  10. the winning way - anita and harsha bhogle
  11. the maverick - ricardo semler ( esp for HR )
  12. India Unbound - Gurcharan Das
  13. Elephant Paradigm - Gurcharan Das
  14. The difficulty of being good - Gurcharan Das
  15. Freedom at midnight
  16. The Ascent of Money (Hemant Sir's Suggestion, I think it should be must read)
  17. The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 (Paul Krugman)
  18. Making Globalisation Work (Joseph Stiglitz)
  19. Globalisation and its discontent (Joseph Stiglitz
  20. The fortune at the Bottom of Pyramid 
  21. Curfewed Night (by Bashrat Peer)
  22. The Kite Runner
  23. 1000 Splendid Sons

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