Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Punctuation (Thilak anna, ur a superstar)

 Full stop :-
1) At the end of the sentence.
2) After Initials in names,countries etc
3) After Shortened forms of words that do not end in the last letter of the word

Comma :-
The comma represents the shortest pause,and is used
1) To separate words in a list
2) To separate adjectives in a sentence
3) To show a pause by separating a phrase.
4) to show a pause by seperating sentences
5) Before 'but'
6) before 'as','since','because'

Semi colon:-
a) A semi colon is used to join sentences with principal clauses not connected by a conjunction.
b) It is used to separate clauses which already contain commas.
c) semi colon is used to separate two independent clauses

A colon is used
a) Before enumeration of examples, etc, as,
eg:- This year i am studying these subjects : geo,hist,eng bla bla...
b) to introduce a quotation
c) to introduce a statement which tells more about the one that comes before it
eg:- My mother taught me tow golden rules: I was to do my best and never tell lies

Question Mark :-
Question marks are used at the end of a sentence that asks a direct question.
Question marks are NOT used
a) when using indirect or reported speech
b) When the sentence is a request.
eg:- Would you please pass the salt

Exclamation Marks :-
Exclamation marks are used after words or a group of words which expresses sudden feeling.
eg:- Alas
Exclamation marks are not used along with a full stop.
If Exclamation mark comes after one or two words, start the next word with a capital letter

Hyphen :-
a) Hyphens are used to connect parts of some compound words.
eg:- Well-Written
b) Hyphens are used in numbers and fractions
eg:- Thirty-five

Apostrophes :-
a) with nouns to show ownership or possession
b) To write the plurals of numbers and letters of alphabets
c) in expressions using time
d) in names of churches
e) in place of numbers in dates ( '85 instead of 1985)
f) to show ownership in a phrase, only the last word takes apostrophe
g) to show joint possession ( Tom and Mary's cat)

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